Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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--- US Secret Service Radio Frequencies ---
-- --
Miles Barkman] -
---------------------------------------------------- - [From information gathered from
President, Vice President, or other notable coming to town? Like to
know whats going on? Here is a handy reference guide to some of the known
frequencies used by the Secret Service. Should provide some interesting
scanning for you radio jocks out there.
Note: USSS=US Secret Service
WHCA=White House Communications Agency
Designation Frequency Primary Usage
Alpha 032.2300 MHz WHCA-Transportation
166.5125 MHz WHCA-Transportation
Able 032.2300 MHz ???????????
032.3200 MHz ???????????
Baker 165.7875 MHz USSS-Field Offices
Charlie 165.3750 MHz USSS-Field Offices/Protection
Delta 169.9250 MHz WHCA-Marine Security Detachment
Echo 407.8500 MHz WHCA-SAM Uplink
Foxtrot 415.7000 MHz WHCA-SAM Downlink
Golf 166.4000 MHz USSS-Field Offices
Hotel 167.9000 MHz WHCA-V.P. Staff/White House Garage
165.6875 MHz WHCA-V.P. Staff/White House Garage
166.2125 MHz WHCA-V.P. Staff/White House Garage
India 407.9250 MHz USSS-Headquarters
166.2000 MHz USSS-Headquarters
Juliett 170.0000 MHz USSS-Paging/Camp David
Kilo 167.8250 MHz Duplex Phone-Pres Res/LBJ
Lima 168.7875 MHz Duplex Phone-Pres Res/LBJ
Lavender 418.1250 MHz WHCA-Transportation
Mike 165.2125 MHz USSS-Dignitary/Former Pres Protection
November 166.7000 MHz WHCA-White House Staff
Oscar 164.8875 MHz USSS-Presidential Protection
Papa 164.4000 MHz USSS-Field Offices/Protection
Quebec ???.???? MHz ???????????
Romeo 166.4000 MHz USSS-Repeater Output
164.4000 MHz USSS-Repeater Output
Sierra 166.5125 MHz WHCA-White House Staff
Tango 164.6500 MHz USSS-Field Offices/Protection
Uniform 361.6000 MHz AF-1 Communications
165.0875 MHz AF-1 Communications
Victor 164.1000 MHz WHCA VP Protection
Whiskey 167.0250 MHz WHCA-Paging
X-ray 166.4625 MHz Treasury Common
Yankee 162.6875 MHz WHCA-Presidential phone uplink or downlink
Zulu 171.2875 MHz WHCA-Presidential phone downlink or uplink
Pres Nighthawk Aircraft Fleet (HMX)
Frequency Primary Usage
046.7500 MHz Transport
375.0000 MHz Transport
034.3500 MHz VIP Transport Net
142.7500 MHz Command Post
265.8000 MHz Squadron Common
Other Phone Patches
Frequency Type Primary Usage
407.4750 MHz (uplink) Nationwide-2
415.8000 MHz (downlink) Nationwide-2
407.4500 MHz (duplex) Limousines (Local/DC)
408.2000 MHz (duplex) Limousines (Local/DC)
USSS Uniform Division
Designation Output / Input Freq
Gray 418.350/407.750 MHz
Orange 418.775/414.950 MHz
Brown 414.850/418.800 MHz
Red 415.975/419.725 MHz
Silver 415.650/419.100 MHz
Yellow 414.675/418.150 MHz
Training Division: Beltsville, MD
Designation Output / Input Freq
Green 415.750/407.875 MHz
Black 415.100/418.325 MHz
Blue 414.800 MHz
Violet 415.800 MHz
Communications Division
Designation Output / Input Freq
Gold 415.675/419.075 MHz
Technical Security Division
Designation Frequency
F-1 408.000 MHz
F-2 411.000 MHz
F-3 408.500 MHz
F-4 408.975 MHz
Other Reported USSS Frequencies
Frequency Primary Usage
163.7375 MHz ---------------------------------------
164.6500 MHz
165.2250 MHz
165.6875 MHz Washington Field Office
166.2000 MHz Washington Field Office
406.2625 MHz
407.8000 MHz
407.8250 MHz Suit Radios
407.8750 MHz Suit Radios
407.9750 MHz
408.9750 MHz
Hints for monitoring
Most of the interesting frequencies are USUALLY scrambled during actual
operations. However, 407.850 and 415.700 are never scrambled.
Sometimes, the best info on plane landings and limo locations and such can
obtained through regular airport communications and local police.
The Secret Service has been known to occasionally use cellular communicatio
The PL used extensively by USSS is 103.5 Hz.
Hearing the callsign "Air Force 1" means the President is on the plane. "A
Force 2" is the Vice President's plane.